Thursday, October 8, 2020

suicide and alcoholism

since i have in my family history the prevailing  mind/spirit conditions that motivated and crafted this country for my own survival i made a study of the desperation and hope that drive immigrants.  fight and flight.  seeking a better world.  in my family history selfish reasons, not to better their children's lives but to increase the parents luxuries.  alcoholics are basically seeking not to live but achieve a false state of bliss using chemicals.  the key word is use.  tools are only as good as the craftsman and alcoholics are basically weak, lazy, stunted, immature children using excuses to continue using and abusing all around them.

what i've learned most importantly; anyone labeling me negative characteristics is using language to attempt to subjugate and gain power over me.  you have a problem with me you have the choice to go elsewhere to find someone better.  if you continue to attempt coercion the problem is you.

emotional resilience is extremely hard for me.  so much unnecessary pain exists because of the mental health pandemic rampant in this country.  it's become a way of life for too many.  it's the accepted normal.

racism is 'normal' in this country proved by electing president trump king of the mentally ill racists.  racism is a mental illness condition.  racism is the crystallization of the 'me superior you inferior' mindset.  insanity was required to own human beings.  cutting off human feelings to maim and torture enslaved both parties.  the 'owners' cut off their feelings maiming themselves before torturing the slaves.  owners dehumanized first themselves in order to convince themselves slaves were less than human.  this country was built on blood and insanity.

the jailer and prisoner effect.  both are two sides of the same coin.  both are prisoners.

dysfunction is continuing behaviors that have become obsolete and detrimental.  this country was constructed on slavery, indentured servants.  liberty and justice for all are still a dream.

100 years ago beating children in a threatening world taught immediate traumatic lessons about imminent threats; poisonous snakes, bears, falling off a cliff.   and yet children are still being beaten.  i was.  i was burned to expiate my sins.  what sins can a child have so heinous burning is required?  burn the adults.  children don't need to be punished, they need to be taught.  oscar hammerstein south pacific 'you've got to be taught'  sums up racism and fear.  we've been taught what functioned 100 years ago.  grow up america.       

unfortunately the majority think technology is a substitute for maturing, growing up.  children are technology savvy without the experience to make sound decisions.

intelligence is the ability to take facts in a logical order and determine a conclusion not the regurgitation of disparate facts to no purpose.  otherwise the dictionary or encyclopedia are intelligent.  people sadly believe smart phones and access to online facts makes them smarter.  technology makes no one smarter.  makes life easier lazier.  easier to insulate searching for opinions instead of facts.  we have a president trump who believes his opinions are facts.  how insane. 

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