Thursday, October 29, 2020

1160 lawrence sta rd halloween

haunted house.  kids in grade school instinctively knew the energy.  it was weird.  kids i went to school with jefferson jr high told me they thought the house was haunted.  they were right.  when we moved in the left over energy dictated the behavior.  residual psychic energy.

barren spirits.  this house has always been empty of happiness.  i'm clearing the depression.  i instinctively felt the emptiness and filled the spaces with junk.  people fill emptiness with junk.  

getting is easier than having.  having requires maintenance.  

sports is all about physical contact.  surviving sleeping alone is new modern.  we mammals were raised to live in groups.  safety in numbers.  we don't have that.  sex addicts search for that sense of connection.  our bodies crave contact.  i was watching split second one contestant played women's rugby loved the scrum.  like children the first time on a soccer field play in a pack.  the running down field in soccer chasing the quarry.  football one tribe defending attacking another tribe.

$tore, seniors 9;36 #2.  did my half hour around center mound on east side a plethora of shepherds purse.  wonder if it's good for tags.  yesterday man sprayed around parking lot so who knows.  

i'm feeling timeless.  oh, my neck shoulder blades arms.  

returned islands of wonder, mae west, burnt orange heresy, final 4th season good place.  picked up fannie flagg's wonder boy hurrah!!

ate my weird cottage pie, roll, broccoli.  rested watching f troop.  watched pbs circus barnum bailey, ringling brothers, the history of american entertainment.

washed my hair readying for tomorrow meeting dr danielle weihle.  new people new anything stress.  

i guess that's why it takes me so long to use new things.  i had these rainbow luggage belts who knows how long before i thought of using one as a bathrobe belt.  slowly but surely i'm using my treasures.  like the 6 clearance tins of rescue pastilles i've had for years.  

i finally got my ballot.  news said i'm not alone.  others have missing ballots.

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