Monday, August 5, 2024

an hour to finish color puzzle.

senior cool and comfortable.  savory snack for b'fast.  my back feels ok my heart is heavy.  finished color puzzle 8 am.

10:30 back to puzzling.  Mallory asked me to sort repeated puzzles for downstairs.  done and done.  she has new ones.

white couple insultingly legally stupid.  playing cards on puzzle table too stupid to read sign.  too stupid too move.  I just waited.  I told them rules are to keep society civilized.  I asked if first day she said no was it mine I just looked at her as stupid answered no.  

I puzzled 'til 3:30 Jane came along to impress workmen trying to connect computer copier talking too loudly I whispered to her and told her I was going to pool.  he looked at me so gratefully.  6 pm I went to sprouts looking for dinner bought 4 CBD.  they charge tax.  

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