Monday, August 26, 2024

feeling sad wanting to cry-CRASH!!

then I remembered dad's death day and the hell Alien put us through.  my body reacts before my mind catches up.  no wonder i'm feeling exhausted.  I didn't sleep due to Alien's machinations for months kissing up to mom leaving him with me to listen to him whine and cry, begging for death.  having him wake me at all hours and still having to work to pay my bills.

I commiserated with Walter.  he came to lunch.  I know how hard it is to stay motivated when the stick is gone.  I prefer 'carrots'.  I have to change my perception.  I've been creating literal carrots.  

CRASH!!  took an hour totally stressed out to get back into blogger.  first I forgot .com so I couldn't use invalid address.  then it locked me out of ymail to Google.  AUGHH!!  texts I couldn't retrieve in my phone.  

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