Saturday, August 3, 2024

lovely 64 degrees

seniors 7:55 am I organized car.  I love relaxing and living stress free.  i'd have enjoyed my life.  never too late, I appreciate my life.  I puzzled 'til 9, showered refreshed, I went to Sprouts had 2 CBD gummy, seltzer sale, rocky road, trying sale sugar beef jerky.  ooh with micro greens.  

I had 15 minutes to St Just 6 minutes to spare for lunch pick up.  corn chips, almond pastry.  Charity so sweet.  by the time I parked she had it ready.  everything in trunk staying cold.  parked under main library.  ate lunch in crowded cafe.  finished half done ocean puzzle at closing.

4 pm I decided I still want my Cupertino movie 'ministry of ungentlemanly warfare'.  here I am.  81 degrees very humid day 57%.  oh dear 5 pm already.  I love love love the quiet company.  no one bitching, moaning, or complaining.  they want me to feel sorry for them I just feel annoyed.

oooo, bad air quality.  stay indoors air conditioning.  stay hydrated.  stayed 'til 6:30 closing car in beautiful shade.  considered eating rocky road.  not yet.  for dinner.  home for jeopardy and wheel.

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