Tuesday, August 13, 2024

read a lot

I have new hope for peace.  all it takes is 2 believing it's possible.  peace in our time.  Trump is speaking his lies on Univision tonight.  he'll say anything.  I remember his splitting up families at the Mexican border and treating immigrants like trash.  he treated them all, men women children as criminals putting them in separate prisons.  

Dave's book is written to change thinking.  it's changing mine.  I have hope for world peace and peace has begun with me.

home to watch people puzzler at 3 pm rest watched people place thing drove to sunny first parking space.  Andy was personable as ever.  sewed my white denim skirt that I made from pants.  added elastic casing.  used new baby lock machine.  lots of plastic.  hmm..  maybe lighter weight.  walked sprouts corn bread piece.  home 9:30.

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