Sunday, July 28, 2024

waiting at walmart since 8 am

customer service doesn't open 'til 9 now.  used to open 8.  oh, well.  I shopped and found peach ensure.  same values as chocolate and strawberry.  not sweet.  so i let black female get money order even though i knew i'd be faster.  and i bought vanilla and strawberry.  I love I don't have to talk to anyone if I don't want to.

lucky's Sara .9 miles I got my free water and bought hot chick pot for lunch.  I'm still 10 minutes early.  parked backward in shade I can see entrance.  man from 24 hour used to trash mercury news parked next to me.

bradshaw family secrets pg 77 the darker the secrets the stronger the pretense of normal stability the harsher the punishments for perceived disloyalty or betrayal.  children have limited perception.  

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