Monday, July 22, 2024

spaghetti b'fast-dentist 1/18-7/22 6 month check

so good.  i'm sure Italians have it all the time.  

what's wrong with me.  George is back.  parking lot he approached me when his date fell through.  he wanted me to entertain him.  thank God i'd already eaten and had dentist appointment.  no arguments.  no discussion.  he asked if I remembered him.  like I could forget how insulting for him to want to add me to his collection.  My friend.  huh!  made me feel dirty and deficient.

3:35 pm at the library.  I got to dentist 1:30 to fill out papers again.  15 minutes.  Ian polished again.  Lavanya Ankala dds 15 minutes cleaning.  EVOO is still working.  2:30 pm sprouts half cherry pie and mix greens.  

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