Friday, July 12, 2024

vampire in brooklyn-peach gummy

getting old is easy it's the falling apart that's hard.  I looked for a book at the library and I couldn't get up on a step stool.  my body couldn't manage.  I had to ask a young man.  

I feel like a zombie minion to Eddie Murphy.  my toe.  zombies are un dead but their bodies decompose.  I wonder if old people invented zombies to explain falling apart.

gummy 25 mg did the trick and full of artificial colors etc.  the sprouts cbdMd is all natural.  i'm feeling so hyperactive.  my body processing the chemicals.  

omg my skin is so soft.  

Bill Gates book Blah Blah Blah useless drivel.  and I'm sure he made more money on it.  waste of resources.  

picked up lucky's freebie looking for Mauna loa Mac ice cream.  clearance savory protein bars.  92 degrees.  decided to use library cool for stuffed portobello $2.  I considered home too hot.  

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