Sunday, July 14, 2024

eureka! lovely 61 degrees- I think it's Bastille Day

I finally found the county returns waiting in the bag by the front door.  I looked.  I looked through the bedroom, living room, trunk, front seat.  I trimmed the kiwi starting to attach to the house thinking where I put it.  

I started packing to pick up county and there it was.  I hung the return bag by the front door.  augh!!  I located monopoly case after I got spare from storage I remembered.  

the artificial in the CBD gummy gives me hyper energy.  I get a lot done.

cup library 10:30.  now I understand how people get here when they get here.  I got in car oops I needed gas.  all green lights.  8:45 just before rush 10 minute fill up.  showered at lucky gym parked in shady spot, washed face cloths, filled water bottles I could have done at cup.  cup 10:30 shady divine order parking spot.  returned, picked up, cleaned aqua pen.  

watching babies have perfect posture fluid motion.  then life happens.  this is the perfect time and place to read magazines.

i'm so happy eating my egg croissant, listening to my healing in the car at lunch.  

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