Tuesday, September 3, 2024

my 73 teen age angst

24 internet is very slow or maybe a bug in the city chrome or 24.  very humid.

2 days of complete and total rest.  my 8 years of inactivity saved by being musclebound or my heart would have atrophied.  funny how that worked out.  and the inch and a quarter I stretched kept me from being obese just overweight.  I'm tired of being the responsible one.  they blamed me for every disaster, punished me for every one of their failures.

Chase withdrawal, Walmart a-reds, glucose gold, beets, star one deposit, mission library.  I forgot Tuesday 11 open.  I remembered to mail life insurance and parked seniors.  so many unaware closed but for the county lunch program.  I scored extra lunch.  Sprouts sweet orange jerky 99 cents for 2.5 oz 16 left.  SCORE!

91 degrees at 1 pm.  AIR quality unhealthy making me sneeze indoors.  

i'm starting to like the retardation internet effect seems magical.  TA DA!!

3-4:30 ate weird leftover tamale pie.  bitter zucchini less bitter cold.  

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