Saturday, September 14, 2024

8:14 seniors

i remembered no city library today due to art wine fest.  i bought Sprouts clearance turkey sandwich, swam, came to sunny library shady spot, ate half sandwich at 11 i was hungry, shake didn't last from 5 am.  maybe another with chips.  i remembered to bring chips hurrah!  i played on puzzle 'til 1:30 break time.  i'm happy listening to my healing music.  i actually feel happy just a tinge of punishment fear.  

Rocky and Bullwinkle referred to Joel Kupperman so l looked him up, Quiz Kid genius.  huh.  you never know what you'll learn from a cartoon.

i found large print Can't Wait to Get to Heaven and i was in heaven.  i sat on the patio eating potato chips and reading.  i stopped at nob hill for salad bought hazel nuts and pineapple drink, 2 burritos.  i ate peach avocado salad with half turkey sandwich.  

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