Sunday, September 15, 2024

making Sunday Funday

gym 9 am on the road 9:30.  i went looking for cup sprouts i don't know.  it's closed.  i never got inside. i tried 2020 during the pandemic there were long lines and the parking was a nightmare.  oh, well.  

i returned 7 things.  the library is reorganized.  this is the first time i walked in the back.  i never had the energy.  i've been running on fumes for so long.  since maybe 1988.

i ate freebie Built Puff is chocolate covered marshmallow.  1.41 oz tiny.

i turned in Rocky and Bullwinkle for King of Queens and the Neighborhood.  none of the other libraries has seasons 1-5.  problem at check out i solved.

left noon i wanted salad for lunch.  i used voyage seed butter and carrot vinegar dressing.  and chips.  nothing better than what you want when you want it.  life can be so good.  

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