Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I forgot my vitamins in my enthusiasm

i brought beets.  i don't know.   i remembered vitamins at San Tomas.  i remembered to charge chrome.  i gratefully take my wins where i find them.  maybe i'll take my supplements at bedtime.

wow!  i connected dad trying to kill my fish and will-ex actually killing my budgie and cat.  and alien killing dad and mom.  I've never had a loving relationship.

i decided to stay for bingo exercise class.  full, I'm on standby.  and I don't care.  I can mail post office tomorrow and library pick up later.  2 requests and the Secret due.  

Mallory will get me into bingo-cise Thursday.  she saw me leaving and asked if i wanted to add but already half done.  I prefer to start fresh.  

i mailed monopoly form 73 cents and library puzzle table met Mariah and Violet self named Asian very young man.  she loves him a lot.  i returned and checked out Secret, Daily Ukulele, and LP Love Tina.  

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