Friday, September 20, 2024

got my free pop well 12 oz

and 2 clearance salads using $ off reward $1.03 saving 92%.  woo hoo!

don't have to be rich to live richly.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Happy Thursday to Me

i swam warm pool for a change.  tub too warm 98.  then i got my massage.  

i'm feeling content despite DMV hanging over me.  and the fact issued 9/5 dad's death day. 

i started bingo size good exercises and music.  we got rowdy.  1:30-2:30 Tu-Th.  i remembered not to drink liquids 'til after.  perfect short time.  prizes given after 10 weeks.

4 pm library i met new Jeff looked it up means God's pledge of Peace.  diabetic he hadn't eaten i lectured him about 4 small meals and mom's emergency gall bladder removal.  i showed him my goody bag gave him dried cherries, hazelnuts and senior apple.  we talked about senior center.  

i forgot wheel today so i'll stay to enter bonus puzzle.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Happy Wednesday to Me-Fred's b'day

i couldn't connect to the internet this morning so i sorted fruit.  i have a box i'll give to Toki.  i have bags of it.  i suggested bringing it in to share she prefers after her work out loading it directly into her car.  

she parked in the lot i saw her and met her downstairs.  done and done.  

when i came to the puzzle table Marie was haranguing Francine that i found odd because usually it's Francine going on and on.  took me an hour to figure out Marie was trying to impress Mark who was completely bored waiting patiently.  Marie covered up a third of the table with her stuff.  so rude.

finally received DMV renewal letter.  fewer documents needed.  i talked to Charlotte called back.  i'm feeling threatened.  mom verbally wanted to kill me, dad and will ex killed my pets.  same feeling.  phones open 'til 5:30.  

Fred's b'day jokes i made up:  who's happier bunnies or kangaroos?  kangaroos are hoppier.  AND 73 is the new dyslexic 37.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I forgot my vitamins in my enthusiasm

i brought beets.  i don't know.   i remembered vitamins at San Tomas.  i remembered to charge chrome.  i gratefully take my wins where i find them.  maybe i'll take my supplements at bedtime.

wow!  i connected dad trying to kill my fish and will-ex actually killing my budgie and cat.  and alien killing dad and mom.  I've never had a loving relationship.

i decided to stay for bingo exercise class.  full, I'm on standby.  and I don't care.  I can mail post office tomorrow and library pick up later.  2 requests and the Secret due.  

Mallory will get me into bingo-cise Thursday.  she saw me leaving and asked if i wanted to add but already half done.  I prefer to start fresh.  

i mailed monopoly form 73 cents and library puzzle table met Mariah and Violet self named Asian very young man.  she loves him a lot.  i returned and checked out Secret, Daily Ukulele, and LP Love Tina.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

time for tub

happiness is knowing what you want and what you need and the difference between the two.  

ok!  i found the monopoly letter to mail i lost track and paid Discover.  i was home 12:30 and resting and watching game shows.  SUCCESS.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

making Sunday Funday

gym 9 am on the road 9:30.  i went looking for cup sprouts i don't know.  it's closed.  i never got inside. i tried 2020 during the pandemic there were long lines and the parking was a nightmare.  oh, well.  

i returned 7 things.  the library is reorganized.  this is the first time i walked in the back.  i never had the energy.  i've been running on fumes for so long.  since maybe 1988.

i ate freebie Built Puff is chocolate covered marshmallow.  1.41 oz tiny.

i turned in Rocky and Bullwinkle for King of Queens and the Neighborhood.  none of the other libraries has seasons 1-5.  problem at check out i solved.

left noon i wanted salad for lunch.  i used voyage seed butter and carrot vinegar dressing.  and chips.  nothing better than what you want when you want it.  life can be so good.  

Saturday, September 14, 2024

8:14 seniors

i remembered no city library today due to art wine fest.  i bought Sprouts clearance turkey sandwich, swam, came to sunny library shady spot, ate half sandwich at 11 i was hungry, shake didn't last from 5 am.  maybe another with chips.  i remembered to bring chips hurrah!  i played on puzzle 'til 1:30 break time.  i'm happy listening to my healing music.  i actually feel happy just a tinge of punishment fear.  

Rocky and Bullwinkle referred to Joel Kupperman so l looked him up, Quiz Kid genius.  huh.  you never know what you'll learn from a cartoon.

i found large print Can't Wait to Get to Heaven and i was in heaven.  i sat on the patio eating potato chips and reading.  i stopped at nob hill for salad bought hazel nuts and pineapple drink, 2 burritos.  i ate peach avocado salad with half turkey sandwich.  

Friday, September 13, 2024

6:59 am senior center-Gondola

and raring to go.  or maybe roaring or ?  i don't know.  i love people watching here.  i considered going to Lucky's for freebie.  i loaded here and I've never gone and come back before.  

Dino Medar helps out here.  he'd make a great administrator.  

looked up gelsemium homeopathic for various uses.  reading How Healing Works.  Sunnyvale copy has all pages.  city missing pages.  

I asked for help copying.  4 machines.  whew!  all touch screen.  i puzzled, sat read How Healing Works, basically Wayne Jonas Md doesn't know so various healing examples from around the world.  inspired me to research avocado trees.  Mexicola plant 3-4 years to fruit.   when i looked online 10 years ago limited info and 10 years from planting to fruit for Haas.  

i'm feeling optimistic.  my master bath faucet is finally working.  i changed the aerator.  when Della's David plumber installed 2 faucets and replaced rusted kitchen sink trap pipe $700 the faucet dribbled.  i asked him to turn up the water pressure he refused afraid of old pipes when all along it was a clogged aerator.  maybe previously used definitely mineral stopped up.

Wow! Ryan Seacrest only likes Whites.  He's prejudiced.  73 years of experience tells me so.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Diana bagels

i gave half to Cody, a bag of ripe avocados, 2 apples.  and bag of ripe to Diana Price.  and a bag to Toki.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

day of remembrance

last night's debate as expected.  no debate just trump performing.   he says nothing to encourage people to fill in the blanks.  he's very well rehearsed.  hearse on the way to a funeral.  he puts the fun in funeral.  he has no respect for life.

home at 4 pm i worked through my dread and depression to pay car insurance and order duplicate rebate check.  must happen a lot, auto function to replace check.  i won $25 monopoly and the form requires all kinds of info.  certified mail charges $3.15.   ugh, what a lot of work for little.  like mom.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

i didn't charge chrome

it went down to 7 % and wiped everything.  i recovered easily.  calmly.

i considered scam fraud presentation 9-10 and decided my water massage more important.  schedule conflict.  Monday Wednesday or Friday better for me.  after a week i need my water massage.  Ruth showed up since before Covid no plans to come back.  she looks like she's suffered a huge loss.  a different person.

Cooking Swaps: 1/4 c. banana or plain apple sauce=1 large egg                                        1/2 c. plain apple sauce=1 c. butter   

Monday, September 9, 2024

sunny library

I showered at 24 forgot my neckerchief went back.  I decided to drive king's road checked mileage .4 to bank.  

64 % humidity.  feels like Hawaii.  slow internet must be the number of people logged on.  

Saturday, September 7, 2024

survived another dad death day

amazed myself.  both parents suicidal scares me.  I'm afraid of killing myself by accident like mom swallowing an entire bottle of sleeping pills.  or dad doubling his medication and cardiac arrest.  

oh, well here I am.  divine order day.  no urges.  i decided to dress and just feel.  i picked up 2 dozen fruit, put in trunk.  hot and sweaty 54% i went to 24 hour fitness only parking way in back, showered, stretched, checked lucky's tuna creations one free.  walked through big lots and decided to walk around the back.  pleasant shady.    

forgot to check Citibank mileage proceeded to St Justin and Charity gave me lunch and weekend bag more tuna creations.  library wonderful.  comfortable, quiet.  

I read, puzzled, thought, felt, relaxed.  at 4 I can go home or somewhere else.  

city closed admission Monday.  county and sunny open reg hours.  

Friday, September 6, 2024

I'm so comfortable 1:30 pm

9 am I showered at 24, bought my chips at lucky's.  I remembered how to get to Inge's house and picked up bottles.  I didn't get lost this time.   10:30 am I didn't want to rush so i went to seniors.  lunch was ok Fred got there before me.  it was nice for someone else to save our seats.  Hilde waits until everyone leaves I got extra lunch for dinner.  I drove to recycle 15 minutes $10, stopped at Sprouts, on to central.  parked under.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

8:45 good too parking at 24 fitness-25 years conflicted dad's death

funny I never noticed most are mesmerized on their devices.   

8 am air not good warning to sensitives.  67 degrees now 90 projected.  

went to Sprouts after lunch to check bakery and clearance so much added.  they had boba to add to drinks 6/pk 99 cents.  Jane was at central I could tell her.  honey, strawberry, lychee.  chickpea puffs, monkfruit packets, body armor, raw vinegar dressing.  clearance kids' turkey bag lunch.

John Bradshaw family secrets; what are my needs and priorities?

I AM PEACE.  92 degrees outside.

Diana gave me 33 new monopoly tickets, Diane her rejects.  I'm entering them.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

brilliant Costco 1& 2 miles 4.2 between

sunny was a mess with tanker impeding progress.  I drove to SC 4.2 miles.  price is the same $4.10 online.  Fred reminded me of sediment in gasoline stirred up.  

Fred wanted to buy me ice cream.  I deflected to Joanne, she needs it.  I shared half my fig with him.  I suggested we three split one scoop he wanted his own and Toki said she had some in freezer.  a good time was had by all.

i'm healing listening to YouTube and reading Bradshaw family secrets.  full of great questions.  I spent my childhood running from punishment.  I was the sacrifice, the one to suffer punishment for the family sins, the one burned with incense forced not to make a sound.  denied personhood.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

my 73 teen age angst

24 internet is very slow or maybe a bug in the city chrome or 24.  very humid.

2 days of complete and total rest.  my 8 years of inactivity saved by being musclebound or my heart would have atrophied.  funny how that worked out.  and the inch and a quarter I stretched kept me from being obese just overweight.  I'm tired of being the responsible one.  they blamed me for every disaster, punished me for every one of their failures.

Chase withdrawal, Walmart a-reds, glucose gold, beets, star one deposit, mission library.  I forgot Tuesday 11 open.  I remembered to mail life insurance and parked seniors.  so many unaware closed but for the county lunch program.  I scored extra lunch.  Sprouts sweet orange jerky 99 cents for 2.5 oz 16 left.  SCORE!

91 degrees at 1 pm.  AIR quality unhealthy making me sneeze indoors.  

i'm starting to like the retardation internet effect seems magical.  TA DA!!

3-4:30 ate weird leftover tamale pie.  bitter zucchini less bitter cold.