Wednesday, July 29, 2020


gratitude is the key.  all of life can be enhanced.

the end of another month.

i finished 'going my own way' by gary crosby.  just goes to show you alcoholism was the standard.  still is for a major portion of the country.  an explanation for the trump world we live in.  an explanation for his election and continued support by the delusional gin soaked minds.

i watched the covid special last night on the timeline of infection and spread.  they glossed over the fact that the initial infections started when they cut down the forests (the natural habitat of the immune infected bats) forcing the bats into the environment of domesticated animals that first contracted covid.

the mandate is to manage not declare war on nature.  the evidence is every time nature is assaulted the  result is a natural catastrophe to re balance the environment.  it's a simple mathematical equation.  covid is the simple result of blatant mindless greed.  sometimes the appearance of progress is a dive into potential oblivion.

they tracked other epidemics going back in history and found tried and true solutions tested over and over again.  like the saying goes those who don't learn from history will be doomed to repeat it.

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