Tuesday, January 11, 2022

that is amazing

car is running so smoothly i can't hear it.  better than when i bought it 2018.  

home 5:45 it was dark.  

i remembered goodwill discount.  i left home 10 and got there 9:55.  found display case and got stomach ache.  left store it went away.  thinking of tiger stamps i drove to post office on way to main.  too busy.  main i wheeled and panda survey.  i remembered line dancing and hula that helped my autism.  darryl was so helpful thinking of checking new bookcase.  

seniors toke was exercising i went to talk with her.  only the dining is closed.  

sunny vale i ate my lunch listening to healing.  went in computed gamed.  went to gym 2 saw Adrian from seniors.  almost home i remembered free lucky's soup and $1 off chips and detoured.  i used big lots coupon $5 off $15 too.   home 5:45 it was already dark.  a full day.

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