Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reminders of Debts

Blogging from Eric Togami's. 

OK the check engine light on the third time.  The second time after a gas fillup.  Yesterday at Savers after coming directly from Costco.  I didn't freak out this time.  I guess anxiety is contagious.  I never used to be so illogical.  I caught it from the parents.  After they died their legacy of fear continues.  I guess maybe that's where Mit and Ail are coming from.  The reptilian brain supercedes the mammalian and everything  becomes a survival issue.  Only using discipline and logic and prayer overcomes the heavy neural program. 

So I called Eric and once more to the rescue.  He's fixing it in his inimitable fashion.  He's such a superlative mechanic.  This  car thing has been going on for maybe four months.  And he has been so wonderful about it.  The first time he reset the sensors and told me to get heavy duty Marine engine additive.  It worked for a few months.  And he said if the gas cap isn't on tight the engine compreshion is affected.  Why it happens after a fillup I don't know.

I hung out with Denise, his office manager.  I seem to have a lot of personality traits in common with her.  Obviously of above average intelligence and compassion.  Seriously.  Sounds affected but I mean it.   

Another member of the tribe. 

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