Wednesday, May 29, 2024

yes! getting it together

I'm taking my time.  seniors at 7 because I want to not because I can't walk.  back in 2008 I had to take preventive measures.  I couldn't handle walking or heat.  I got to seniors early and didn't swim.  my back hurt too much.  I hadn't tried wearing a back brace while driving.  it always strikes me as odd when people ask if it helps.  I don't wear one 'cause it's beautiful.  it's not a fashion statement.  I needed the air conditioning for my inflammation.  

i'm researching whiplash.  from every boo boo i've compounded nerve damage without properly taking the time to heal.  chronic pain.  2 hours of reading and printing.  I swam an hour and half, lunched with Mike, Toki very late and brought comics.  funny tiny desiccated Salisbury steak I got 1 of 2 left over.  lots of tomato basil soup 6 servings = 1 cup.  no mash or spinach or bread.  huh.

home 2:45.  I loaded my recycle this morning.  I can redeem it any time.  I'm watching my game shows and travel on AWE+.  

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