Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I entered celebrity 10 k hurray!

i'm the most comfortable ever.  i'm enthusiastic.  I puzzled and then swam, Brian in pool lamenting next week closed.  Toki left me message last eve to call back.  she made me laugh.  she asked if I wanted 11 croissants.  she wanted one at lucky's so she bought a dozen.  I asked why she didn't just buy one and she said it was a special price.  I don't know.

I puzzled 'til lunch and extra broccoli beef 2x more than serving.  I went back upstairs and I finished Van Gogh 'starry night'.   I amazed myself. 

5:30 I expected Toki but it was power co announcing tree trimming line work.  surprise i'm ok.  must be the CBD.  hope they don't trash my plants.  mark power co keeps coming to door.  now, the ceramic line fixture needs replacing upgrade.  I keep waiting for Toki.  finding her phone call this morning filled me with familiar family dread.  

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