Saturday, May 11, 2024

life feels like a cruel trick

could be the 'medium' marathon I've been watching in conjunction with Tom resurfacing.  like a bottom feeder.  I don't want or need it.  he's never cared about me.  he doesn't even know me.  all he wanted was a skinny jap girl and that's all i ever was to him.  something to use.  not human with feelings.  

I just understood the formatting resetting to normal when I want medium.  mom was always telling me to be normal.  as Popeye said 'i yam what I yam'.  

I went to cup library then D & T b'day party substitute mother's day party.  I stayed an hour and left with Jamie and Tom Grable.  Lily was incensed.  probably 'cause I missed Della's funeral.  I couldn't drive then and Tom refused to find me a ride.  just like Mitzi.  he's so family.  Letitia and Joe, Isidro, Dave, like going back in time no change.  my saying good bye to all.  done.  

home I was exhausted I went to bed.  

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