Friday, May 17, 2024

cool and overcast but no rain forecast

the parking lot is 1/3 disabled for the health fair.   it's hard parking every year but they don't expect it.  lots of goodies.  Toki got her own.  she came early to park and walk health fair.  I saw Gloria.  she wants to try to come once a week but I know how hard it is physically and emotionally.  she's telling herself her dad will get better when it's a survival delusion.  I did it too.  too sad contemplating their death.  

lunch not enough table settings everyone late.  I sat with Toki.  I only saved her space.  meatloaf full of green bell pepper chunks.

I washed my pool shoes in the shower.  still weren't dry 1 pm so I wore flips to Sprouts dozen mini choc cupcakes $1.99 so good and 2 CBD seltzers.  

I was so excited free time next week I couldn't stay asleep.  I kept waking and finally got up 7.  I made egg cheese lettuce wrap b'fast.  

4:50 pm I started to freak.  the TV went off.  so I checked fuse box nothing checked lamps then it occurred to me entire house lost power.  yup.  i'm still feeling paranoid.  I must be very tired.  I have my laptop to amuse me.

I ate super salad.  lettuce mix plus faux crab plus one soft boiled egg I couldn't save.  I peeled 2 to pickle.  I've never eaten a pickled egg.

power back on i'm watching 'piranha anaconda' 2012 eating everybody in sight.  

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