Saturday, May 25, 2024

relax-rest/returned hot spot sunny vale

daily word-can't pour from an empty cup.  I wasn't allowed to rest.

Walmart fish oil and D 3.  and I checked wi fi needs e mail.  stopped prune lucky's bought gator lyte, slivered almonds $7, sparkling ice.  took everything home.

I gym Ed, brought my lunch to sunny library.  returned spot and movies.  in request line again.   

1 pm parking lot sitting listening to healing in cool car on overcast day i ate my two Tina burritos.  I'm enjoying my cherries.  i've eaten 2 pounds since yesterday.  unheard of.  

new symptom left eye twitching. 

watching 'cactus flower' and 'hopscotch' Walter Matthau movies.  later 'charade' if early enough.  HEAVEN.

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