Saturday, November 16, 2024

7:47-7:57 am seniors drive

how I avoided bad drivers for 57 years I don't know.  must have been my family armor. 

weird day.  

I soaked an hour at seniors and pondered what to do.  I decided St Just for lunch pick up then Star One deposit and county library.  Cupertino star 1 closed Saturdays.  I returned and borrowed at the county library.  straight to Walmart closed no power.  then to the open Star One and the main library.  success finally.

1 pm eating lunch and considering book sale I forgot.  I browsed but nothing I want.  sunny book sale tomorrow.  

feeling a little sad leaving behind the old life bits of myself.  separation and change are uncomfortable.  especially for me.  

neck rehab from '72 and '14.  

a plastic tub of candied fruit fell off the shelf to the floor.  i picked it up and put it back.  i didn't know it was cracked and leaked syrup over the shelf onto the floor.  i brushed against the shelf and got it over my clothes.  i didn't notice the floor until after I'd tracked through it over the house.  i soaked up as much as i could with papers and i'll let the ants clean up the rest.  I've become so relaxed. 

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