Friday, June 7, 2024

so relaxed and happy.

people think things make them happy.  wrong.  energy makes things.  happy energy, sad, angry.  thoughts are electrical impulses magnetizing our desires to us.  or obsessions or deep wounds.  

I picked up free Lucky's drink only 20 minutes walking the store to find it.  I went to sprouts still no CBD gummies I bought 2 roasted chicken breast boar's head sandwiches 99 cents each after discounts and 2 dark chocolate hazelnut spread $4.50 ea.  

I keep thinking Thursday is Friday.  I found my Panera gift card in my car console.  I've been looking for 2 days.

i can feel the bottoms of both feet and my hips are complaining about not sitting 2 hours for bingo.  my right hip feels broken.  I puzzled, digesting my lunch and home to rest and stretch.  tomorrow's another day.  CBD water makes my pain relax.  

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