Tuesday, June 4, 2024

doing what i want and getting it done

new format.  I swam 2 hours, Brian showed up.  lunch of ground turkey overcooked pasta.  Fred had ketchup made it better.  Mike is such a happy child.  Toki cancelled lunch due to broken water heater Trudy said.  ooh, she probably called I have no idea where my phone is.  

I went to Main under parking closed I dropped off returns and checked st. just.  I detoured to Savers nothing walked the store and asked about CBD at Smart and Final none.  I detoured again to Star One and completed my banking checked ATM card.  Success.

I'm sitting in the cool sunny library.  sunny always a few degrees cooler 81 to 89.  I got the last leftovers so I have my dinner.  or I can leave it for the crows.  4 pm 79 to 89.  I checked YouTube for game shows and I can skip avoid commercials.  Hurrah!  so i watched 2 people puzzler and 2 people, place or thing.  i ate my dinner on the patio watching.  HEAVEN.

home 7 pm.  i considered and discarded sewing at library.  not today.  i have tricky fabrics.  

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