Monday, January 9, 2023

harry's feeling sadness

i understand perfectly.  when told how and what to feel growing up it's difficult as an adult to sort out appropriate accurate confusing feelings.  william has been allowed to act out his feelings while harry spare second fiddle has been manipulated to better control him a replay of the grandfather and granduncle.  the press is confused.  king edward 8 was pro nazi and abdicated believing he could get away with whatever he demanded having been raised as king while his brother george 6 stepped up because he always did what he was told.  and died of cancer unexpressed anger.  i'm sure ed 8 expected people to rise up and insist he be king.  he must have been surprised.

my feelings pop up when my unconscious feels safe enough to express.  harry wasn't safe in the palace.  he was the spare, extra, expendable.  my family did everything they could to sabotage my life not because they were terrible people but they were living from a script.

harry is breaking with tradition and is labeled a traitor to royal secrets.  of course they hate him for telling the whole truth.  harry doesn't want meghan to die unhappy like his mother.  chooses not to see history repeat itself.  the too human habit of creating a scapegoat for the blame game.  how many times i heard from different members of my family their life would be perfect except for me.  like i had that much power over their lives.  basically wishing me dead.  like diana like meghan.  while camilla smells like a rose?  i don't think so.  she's a homewrecker/adulterer.  and queen elizabeth must have known charles cheating on diana the entire marriage or wouldn't have agreed to divorce.  that's the shame.  the prejudice.  the inner circle the outer circle.

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