8:30 pm nothing on tv last night. I slept quietly peacefully. heavenly. then back to back pain. still processing PTSD shaking. at least now I know how to address injury. explains right side body weakness.
10 am watching The Millers. I enjoy the family dynamics. a bully mom incompetent dad. family. when it's happening to someone else it's funny. I don't even watch another show during commercials I just mute and wait. I finally found season 1 at County.
mom set my physical life by her physical abuse. Ail Aiko was nothing by comparison. an adult inflicts so much more damage.
5 pm Love Boat. 6 pm so dark. 7 pm Rocky and Bullwinkle.
I'm doing more chair and mini exercises. and sleeping more. I napped from 11:30-4 pm. and eating salad at every meal. with nuts, chips, and canned fruit.
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