Saturday, January 18, 2025

movies are my family

I was a latch key kid.  I came home to an empty house.  Ail frequently lost hers and took mine.  then I'd have to wait for her to show up.  of course she'd lie and say I lost mine.  so she taught me to recognize liars.  

watching TINA again I have a new appreciation for her honesty.  It hurts to relive torture.  I journal to release my pain and share my joy.

Monday's MLK and Tuesday pool reopens.  today I want to go go go.  I'm mini exercising.  a little here.  I'm experimenting.  the General Tsao sauce is so chili flakes.  I strained it and mixed it with balsamic and apple vinegars and sweeteners.  It's still HOT HOT HOT.  

it's so good to feel good.  

I watched George and the Dragon on Tubi.  free movies.  3 commercial breaks.

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