Sunday, August 4, 2024


i found my car macadamia and too sweet jerky.  I've been organizing groceries and bills since 6:30.  

                                                                                                          my hips are sore.  i've been feeling loosy goosy.  the only way to describe this weird feeling.  this blog is behaving loosy goosy.  a true reflection of my energy now.  must be sugar.  too much sugar.  I was never keen on sugar as a kid.  I didn't like the fallout.  funny how I connected it together.  most people still don't.  like they can't feel their bodies.  explains obesity.  constant exhaustion from weight lifting.  carrying around 50 extra pounds all day is work.   I organized Chase, bank, life papers not since 2 years.  and the world is just fine.  so much of what we do isn't necessary.                                                                                                                                                                    lunch I mixed rainbow greens with tamarind pulled chicken and parmesan bagel.  dinner I wanted hash and greens.  almond Danish dessert.

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