the popularity connection. she's fascinating to watch predator/prey combination. i've often wondered why my family hated me when kids at school loved me. i have that borderline predator/prey combination. i take care of loved ones with no hesitation to defend them.
i dropped off recycle 8 am. exercised picked up lunch famished ate fish and spinach tasteless and filling. called Inge 5 more bags and still more. she made me tea and cookies. visited an hour. she and Maurice had 4 year honeymoon every day. wow!! she's so sad. she needs time. i'm sad for her. when she heals she'll remember the good times.
i feel so blessed to live at this time with the modern conveniences. even 25 years ago my aching back would have been so much more difficult to manage. i have wonderful distractions and aids. tygj.